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Which Vitamins and Minerals Are Good for Oral Health?

February 16, 2020

Filed under: Uncategorized — drschumacher @ 3:03 pm
a bottle laying down with gel capsules pouring out that are good for oral health

You know the importance of brushing, flossing, rinsing, and seeing your dentist twice a year, but what about your diet? Have you ever considered how the foods and nutrients you put (or don’t put) into your body can impact your oral health? In order to maintain healthy teeth and gums, it is necessary to consume enough vitamins and minerals, but which ones? Let a dentist in Wakefield share a few that are known to be beneficial at combatting tooth decay, gum disease, and more.


You’ve probably heard your whole life that calcium found in milk and dairy products makes your bones stronger. Well, it’s true! It’s also a known fact that this invaluable nutrient can harden the enamel on your teeth as well as increase jawbone density. A few examples of great foods that are high in calcium include milk, yogurt, cheese, broccoli, and salmon.

Vitamin D

In order for calcium to truly do the work it is designed to do, you must consume enough Vitamin D. Apart from the way it makes you feel when outside enjoying the warm sunlight, it also encourages your body to absorb calcium while increasing your body’s bone mineral density. Even if you spend a lot of time out in the sun, you will also benefit from getting plenty of Vitamin D from fatty fish, canned tuna, or orange juice, milk, or cereal.


Your body needs ample iron to ensure the appropriate amount of oxygen travels through your body. Not having enough of it in your system can create mouth sores and inflammation caused by infections and bacterial build-up. Red meat and liver are two great ways to incorporate more iron into your diet. It is also possible, just as with all other types of vitamins and minerals, to consume it via pill form if desired.

Vitamin C

Want to have better gum health? Getting plenty of Vitamin C will protect and strengthen your gums, preventing gingivitis or more aggressive forms of gum disease from developing. You can find Vitamin C in leafy greens, citrus fruits, and potatoes.

Vitamin B12 & B2

No one likes a canker sore. Not only are they unpleasant to look at it, but they also don’t feel good. To prevent these from occurring, make sure you’re consuming enough B12 and B2, which can be found in pasta, spinach, almonds, red meat, yogurt, cheese, pork, and even bagels.

These are just a few of the many beneficial vitamins and minerals that can keep your mouth healthy and happy. To receive a full list, talk to your dentist during your next appointment. You’d be surprised how easy it can be to incorporate these foods into a well-balanced diet.

About the Author
Dr. Rob Schumacher completed his undergraduate studies at Asbury College in Willmore, Kentucky. He then went on to the University of Kentucky and the University of Michigan for dental training. Dr. Schumacher is a nationally board-certified prosthodontist who is passionate about helping his patients achieve healthy, beautiful smiles. Providing patient education is just one of the many ways he can help you improve your smile and live a happier, healthier life. From oral hygiene tips and techniques to beneficial foods that contain vitamins and minerals designed to strengthen teeth and protect against gum disease, he and his team are ready to help. To learn more, contact us at (781) 334-3400.