If you wake up in the morning feeling more drained than when you went to bed the night before, you might be suffering from sleep apnea. People with this disorder experience a range of symptoms impacting their general and dental health, like excessive exhaustion during the day, mood swings, headaches, loud snoring, dry mouth, and teeth grinding.
Many patients have tried everything they can think of to get a solid night’s sleep, including cuddling their dog or cat before drifting off. But can pets contribute to better rest? Continue reading to learn more about it!
What Is Sleep Apnea?
Did you know that the average person completes four to six rounds of their entire 90- to 120-minute sleep cycle every night? Each repetition consists of four sleep stages that are all crucial for different reasons. Completing these cycles on a nightly basis allows for cell regeneration, rest and recovery, brain function and memory consolidation, emotional regulation, and tissue repair.
People with this condition are unable to complete the necessary cycles due to breathing interruptions. The most common type is obstructive sleep apnea, which happens when the muscles in your throat relax when you’re zonked out, blocking your airways.
How Do Pets Influence Sleep?
Whether or not your problem has been diagnosed, you might be able to get better quality z’s by cuddling up with a furry friend. According to one survey by the Center for Sleep Medicine, about 56% of pet owners reported allowing their companion in the bedroom or bed with them. However, only 20% of those complained of disruptive behaviors that interrupted their rest, like wandering, whimpering, snoring, or scratching.
In fact, 41% of participating pet owners shared that their friend’s presence provides security and relaxation that helps them drift off more easily. Whether they enjoyed their little “bed warmers” or enjoyed soothing purrs or cuddles, many respondents shared positive experiences at night instead.
Can Pets Improve Sleep Apnea?
The quality of someone’s rest can be determined by their “sleep efficiency” which measures how long they’re in bed vs. how much of that time was spent actually asleep. Studies suggest that efficiency is higher with a pet or another person in the bed with you and drops with no one present. That said, there’s currently insufficient scientific data to determine whether animals help or hinder their caregivers’ rest at night.
Researchers have therefore concluded that sleep dentists and doctors can help by inquiring about environmental factors that could affect their rest in one way or another, including whether they have pets.
About the Practice
At Schumacher Dental, you benefit from two skilled dentists with 15+ years of combined experience. Dr. Schumacher and Dr. Staniek strive to provide a full array of dentistry services that exceed even the highest expectations. Whether you need basic preventative care or help with sleep apnea, they are happy to assist. They combine a caring approach with state-of-the-art technology to enhance patient comfort while providing accurate treatment results. If you’re tired of feeling tired, you can request an appointment on the website or call (781) 334-3400.